"I want to share a Latin phrase with you that is very special to me, and that I think we all can and should apply to our everyday lives. Nunc Coepi. Now I begin. In our prayer, in our habits, in our relationships, in our profession. It is applicable to everything. Nunc Coepi (Now I begin). Whether you made a bad grade or didn’t do so well on a project. You must begin again. When I have a bad play or a good play, whether I throw a touchdown or an interception, I must begin again. But this is ongoing. You begin again, and again and again. You never give up. Your time on earth will end, and you will be remembered for something. How do you want to be remembered?”
I thought what a great phrase. Life is all about beginning again. This is what makes God's love for us so special. Lamentations 3:22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.". I love the thought that the Lord "begins again" with us each morning. No matter how we messed up the day before, he is always willing to begin again. I wonder how our marriages, friendships, and relationships, would benefit if we applied this principle?
Let’s look at some specific peole in the Bible who were allowed to begin again.
Moses- killed a man, ran away, and argued with God he was not the one to lead the Israelites. Yet, Moses became one of the greatest leaders of the Israelites.
Saul who became Paul-was literally killing Christians, yet God put a fire in his heart to win souls for the Lord. Proof of this is when Paul stated, “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24
Peter desperately wanted to do the right thing, but was found denying Christ not once, but three times. Did God banish him, or hold a grudge? Of course not, he loved him unconditionally and allowed the church to be built upon him. “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” Mathew 16:18
I just wonder if anyone needs to know, besides me today, that life is about “beginning again”. Satan would like nothing better than for Christians to live in defeat because they have failed in a certain area. The point is personal mistakes or failures can either drive us one of two ways- defeat or determination. Is there something you need to “Nunc Coepi” begin again? Maybe it is your marriage. You may just need a “do over” for either you or your spouse to start over on a clean slate. Maybe it is a relationship that has been strained because of words that were said in haste. Maybe it is your relationship with God because you have drifted away. The question is not if God will allow us to begin again, but if we are willing? I urge you today to have the courage in whatever place you find yourself to accept God's mercy, and simply begin again.